MALAYSIA BOOK OF RECORDSBiggest Non Vehicular Span Steel ArchFirst Dynamic Road Signage ApplicationFirst TL-4 Movable Barrier Installed for the BridgeLongest Pre-Joint Precast Spun Concrete PileBiggest Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) Roof for Toll CanopyFirst Third Generation Saddles for Main Span Stayed Cables BridgeFirst Bridge Installed with Noise Reduction Seismic Expansion JointsFirst Bridge Installed with Seismic Expansions JointsFirst Expressway to be Designed for Upgraded Secondary Consolidation CriteriaFirst Toll Plaza to be Awarded with a Platinum Rating for the Green Building Index (GBI)First Bridge to Deploy Electric Vehicles as its Patrol VehicleBiggest Statnamic Load ever Conducted in the World at 65MNDeepest Bore Pile in the WorldLongest bridge installed with High Damping Natural Rubber Bearing (HDNRB) that provides effective seismic isolation system that enables the bridge to withstand far field earthquake up to 7.5 at the Richter scale.